That's what I'm trying to stress, the fights you see in the manga translate so well to this game.
I feel like I am a stand user from Jojo's. The combat system, while it lacks depth, it makes up for it with a clever, intuitive moveset, which rewards quick, improvisational thinking, this gives the player a sense of freedom and makes it all the more satisfying when you perfectly read an opponent's moves and are gifted with the euphoria that comes with demolishing them with a barrage of punches. I love this combat system, the punches feel weighty (this is partly due to the sound design) and your character's movements are fluid, thanks to the stellar animations. The story, (I haven't read the manga yet) I hear is accurate to it's source material. The music isn't anything special but suits the Italian setting just fine.
The graphics are wonderful, cell shaded (so you know they hold up). As someone who disliked the 'on rails' feeling I got from the combat of jstars, and the lack of skill needed in Pirate Warriors 3, I'm happy to say I love this old gem.